SNS Loyalty – Terms and Conditions

  1. Membership

In our App, you can register for our SNS Loyalty programme – free of charge. When registering, you must create a profile in the SNS App where you must also accept our membership terms and conditions and consent to us building and managing your member profile. Then we can target and send you special offers and other benefits through the SNS App, on email, and on SMS. In this connection, we collect and process your personal data. For further information on our data processing as part of SNS Loyalty, please click here.

To earn points or gain access to other benefits, you must enter your email address, mobile phone number, and credit card information. We use your credit card to register your benefits in the restaurant when you use your credit card.

To become a member, you must be a private person and at least 15 years old. Membership is non-binding and free of charge, and you are not obligated to make any purchases.

After creating your profile, your electronic member card will be available in the App. The member card is not a debit card, credit card, or guarantee card and cannot be combined with other loyalty cards. Your membership is personal, and you are not allowed to transfer points, gifts, benefits, or personal offers to third parties, including other members.

You can cancel your membership at any time by sending an email to Sales’n’Service on [email protected]. If you cancel your membership, you lose your earned points and purchase history. Moreover, SNS will no longer register your earned bonuses, and you will not be able to redeem your earned benefits which will then lapse (e.g. earned benefits, vouchers, coupons, etc.). Your data will be deleted and cannot be recovered after cancelling your membership.

  1. Conditions for benefits, points, etc.

Earned points, benefits, discounts, etc. are valid until the end of the month plus 1 year from the time of earning your points, benefits, discounts, bonuses, etc. Campaigns of a shorter duration may occur. In addition, your earned points, benefits, discounts, bonuses, etc. will lapse if you cancel your Loyalty membership as described in section 1.

You start earning points as soon as you have registered for the Loyalty programme. You cannot earn points for purchases made before registration or after cancellation of your membership. To earn points for purchases in the restaurant, you must – before you pay – register your purchase by scanning the QR code on your invoice and register your purchase through the SNS App. To earn points for purchases through the SNS App, you must be logged in on your personal user profile when completing your purchase. When making your purchase, you can see how many points you can earn for the particular purchase.

Your earned points matches your paid amount (1 kr./£/€ = 1 point). When you wish to spend your points its converted into a 10% discount  (10 points = 1 kr./£/€).

Sticks'n'Sushi reserves their right into changing this discount amount, and there will be variable discount types in seasonal campaigns etc.

The points you earn for a purchase will be valid until the end of the month plus 1 year from the time of earning after which they will lapse.

Gift cards

You do not earn any points when purchasing gift cards.

If you use and redeem a gift card, you will earn points for the purchase, just like with any other payment method.

The gift card can be added in the SNS App under “Wallet”, i.e. the same place as the credit cards attached to your profile.

When paying with a gift card, the user must scan the gift card in the SNS App.

  1. Credit card information

To use your credit card for purchases/payments in the App, you must grant a separate consent. This is done by adding the credit card under the ”Wallet” section.

You can delete your credit card at any time in the ”Wallet” section (you still keep your points and bonuses).

Please be aware of the risk of credit card abuse if you give others access to your SNS App. Your credit card information is stored in a save area with an authorised payment service provider (PSP) that handles your payments. Card information is handled and stored by a third party in a secure environment with a PCI-certified payment processing company. SNS does not want to and will not get possession of your credit card information.

You can view your purchase history for purchases completed through the App. Your purchase history can be viewed by clicking the ”More” symbol in the bottom right corner. Then click on ”Receipts".

  1. Termination of membership

You can terminate your membership directly in the app and by sending an email to Sales’n’Service on [email protected]. You must send the email from the email address you used to create your profile. By default, you are automatically removed from the SNS Loyalty programme if you have not earned any points for 3 years, and your last points have expired.

Sticks’n’Sushi reserves the right to terminate a membership with immediate effect if the membership is violated by the member, e.g. by failing to observe these terms and conditions, creating several profiles for the same user(s) to circumvent the purchase limitations, cheating with points, unacceptable behaviour to Sticks’n’Sushi’s staff, or any other abuse of the membership. Earned points, bonuses, and benefits will lapse at the termination, as described in section 1.

Sticks’n’Sushi reserves the right to terminate the Loyalty programme by contacting the members on the contact information provided. Subsequently, the benefits are no longer available.

  1. Change of terms and conditions

The terms and conditions in force at any time are available in the SNS App.

Sticks’n’Sushi reserves the right to change these terms and conditions, including the content of the Loyalty programme. Sticks’n’Sushi can make non-significant changes, including changes of benefits, without prior notice. Significant changes can be made with a reasonable notice.

Changes will be communicated on email or through the App. If you continue to use the Loyalty programme after the changes have become effective, you will be deemed to have accepted the new terms and conditions. If any change involves personal data and thus requires consent, we are obliged to ask for your active consent in accordance with the applicable data protection rules.

  1. Contact and complaints

If you have any questions about Loyalty membership or wish to lodge a complaint, please contact Sales’n’Service on [email protected].