
Packaging is necessary to protect and transport our goods. BUT packaging is a key environmental concern because of its low re-use and recycling rates. Therefore, we constantly seek new solutions designed for circularity.

100% Recyclable
Our current packaging is made from RPET plastic, which is 100% recyclable. It is produced in Denmark from recycled plastics. It is a valuable material that we need to keep in a loop and stop it from finding its way into our oceans. Therefore, take care to sort it into the plastic waste fraction, where it can be recycled once more.

Reducing plastic usage
We constantly test and trial new packaging solutions for our meals.

We are currently collaborating with a Danish company on developing a pulp-based solution made almost entirely with FSC fibres coming from the sustainably managed forests of the Nordic countries. This means that it is recyclable and can be sorted into the waste fraction with your other food and beverage cartons. This way the fibres can be reused to make for example paper towels and napkins.

But we do not stop there!

While the pulp-based solution is under development, we will from 2023 pilot a reusable packaging option in all our German restaurants. Through this project we strive to become smarter on the logistics that it demands.

Reducing single-use on site
We take care to take good care of you! This means that over the years a lot of single-use items such as napkin and straws has found its way into our restaurant to ensure a premium service experience. However, to minimize our impact on climate and nature, we will over the coming years focus on how we can stop waste before it is even created. Therefore, our plastic straws are being replaced with reusable glass straws as we speak and over the next years, we will focus on reducing our single-use service items.

Collective action!
There is no company alone that can shift an entire industry. To build a better world we need to be cooperative. We know that greater success can be achieved when businesses, NGOs, policymakers, employees and even communities work together towards collective goals. Therefore, we are active in many networks and associations that want to progress the sustainability agenda including networks on sustainable packaging.  The diverse groups of network partners help each other in sharing of knowledge, advocacy and projects.


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